Communication is a key component to collaborative practice because it is
a method to release what is in your mind and a way to get personal
ideas and strategies shared with others. Communication can be verbal,
directly speaking your ideas, writing them down on paper or even
non-verbal, the way you conduct your body language and mannerisms.
Communications is key for collaboration because it also involves
listening. Affective collaboration happens when all people are able to
share ideas and also support other ideas that are mentioned, building a
solution together.
In special education it is crucial to collaborate with others because I
have found that it helps to become a better teacher. For example, I was
working on a skipping goal with a student and during the Triennial IEP
the OT was mentioning that this student was also struggling with balance
on the right side of the body... This brought to my mind why skipping
has been so challenging... the student would skip with the left, then
walk with the right. I was so fascinated that I first did not notice the
balance issue, and then was able to have a strategy to possibly improve
this students balance first, then work on the skipping goal. Without
that information I would still be struggling, gaining little ground and
becoming frustrated with the lack of progress.
I really liked your post on Collaboration. I think it is VERY important to be able to voice your own thoughts in a respectful, clear manner. I liked that you gave the example of your student. If it wasn't for communication you may have never known why this student was struggling. Keep up the great work on your blog!